Filmmaker Club Spotlight: David Maurice


The Queer 26 Filmmaker Club is a series of workshops, projects, and lectures for creatives with 0-3 years of experience. Throughout the year, Filmmaker Club participants will attend workshops, work on personal projects, and get the opportunity to work behind the scenes on Q26 projects. By the end of the year, each participant will have completed at least three projects that can be added to their portfolios.

Each cohort of Club members will also have the opportunity to participate in other film and photography-related programs, including our Headshot by Donation program, and get access to mentorship opportunities with leaders in the industry.

Here are some images of one of the latest projects from 2021 Filmmaker Club Cohort member, David Maurice.


About David

David (Vid) Maurice is a multi-disciplined performance and visual artist, who is currently based bi-regionally out of America’s Northeast and Southwest. A polymath who strongly dislikes the term "self-taught" David has used connections, resources, and unconventional places of learning to add A.I. art installations and photography to his creative bag.


In 2012, he left behind his studies at the University of Arizona to pursue a multi-hyphenated artist lifestyle. That may seem an impulsive whim, but that was no folly, this polymath pursues every project with passion and fervor and has acquired many skills in the creative workforce. Vid has a weakness for churros and personalized Spotify playlists.

Applications for our 2022 cohort will open in Winter 2022. QTBIPOC applicants located in Southern California will be prioritized.




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