Short Story Journal

Our Short Story Collection has evolved into a Monthly Short Story Journal!

Queer writers of color are invited to submit short stories, essays, and poems on a monthly basis to our Short Story Journal! 1-5 winners are chosen every month to receive a $50 reward and more.

The November Entry Opens October 4, 2024

Entry Fee: $5

Weight Sharing
Short Story Journal 2024 Jade Lacy Short Story Journal 2024 Jade Lacy

Weight Sharing

When the chime rings out signaling the end of the jam, I am heaped in a pile with other exhausted dancers. V’s feet crisscross mine. My head is resting on the soft pillow of the other fat woman’s stomach. Her hand is playing through my hair and she is humming quietly. People here identify her by the love she radiates, not by her size.

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